Coco Personal Plans

Personal plans are for individual persons such as yourself, your family, friends, neighbours, carers, work colleagues, university and college students and more. Plans range from free for developing countries to professional paid plans for those that need more features and capacity or wish to sponsor others as a patron.

Free Personal Plan

FREE for individuals for life. Access to all basic features including personal records and services marketplace.

Not for use by businesses or sole providers traders. No business features. But we do have free starter plans for solo service providers and not-for-profit and for-purpose community service provider eg clinics.

Personal Standard Plan

Consider this a donation to help us provide the free plan to those who need it.

Note: We expect pricing to be around $12-25 per annum or $1-2 per month depending on final cost models and jurisdiction. We think $59 for a 3-5 year plan is probably optimal since it helps our early cash flow and avoids need to ask for renewal while our features and network effect grow in the early years of coco.

The Coco Product Development Team

Personal Premium Plan

Consider this a donation to help us provide the free plan to those who need it and help to keep the personal plan as low cost as possible so it can reach more people too.

Advanced features for heavy duty users who exceed practical ‘reasonable use’ guidelines such as storage or need extra features such as integration with other apps or access to more powerful features such as DNA analysis, predictive modelling (machine learning / artificial intelligence) and visual reporting.

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